Who is MeghanKathleen?

Meghan is a Social Media strategist who is passionate about doing work with a significant impact. She grew-up traveling the world as a part of a military family and loved every minute of it. Her first childhood memory was being chased by wild dogs on the island of Guam and she remembers seeing snow on the “Big Island” of Hawai’i on top of Mount Kilauea (Imagine that: Snow in Hawaii, on top of a volcano!).

Having moved nearly every three years of her life and been thrown into several diverse environments, Meghan has refined her ability to meet, talk to, and get along with just about anyone and strives to maintain a global perspective regarding her outlook on life.

Being a product of Gen-Y means Meghan’s always connected. When she’s not getting lost in her various blog subscriptions on Google Reader, tweeting on Twitter (http://twitter.com/meghankathleen) or writing about figuring out her professional life on her blog (https://meghankathleen.wordpress.com), Meghan is surfing the internet for great music, new artists, and great concerts in her area.

Despite always being connected, Meghan values authentic and genuine communication. She believes that it is a vital skill for just about everyone and the key to any relationship, personal or business.

Building relationships and networking off-line is extremely important for Meghan, and she’s always up for grabbing coffee to chat about society, music, social media, technology or brainstorming words that rhyme with “silver”.

That being said, please feel free to contact Meghan via e-mail at mccormmk@gmail.com

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